Anastazija Jablonskienė-Bagdonavičiūtė
(born in 1875, killed in 1943 in Pravieniškės concentration camp).
Her relatives used to call Anastazija “Flamia”, meaning flame or fire. She was given this nickname for her direct manner and strict character.
In January 1943, Anastazija was taken to Pravieniškės concentration camp where one month later she was killed. According to her granddaughter, Zofija Sinkevičienė, Anastazija’s health was at the time poor. When spring arrived, she was executed together with other elderly people and some children.
In Pravieniškės concentration camp she was imprisoned together with her grandchildren Jonas, Aleksas, Zofija and Niuša, and her daughters Dora (Teodora) and Kosta. Anastazija was killed with her youngest grandchildren, while her older grandchildren and children were taken by the Nazis to Germany for forced labour.
Elžbieta is the only daughter of Anastazija who escaped the fate of being taken to a concentration camp because she was away at the time of the family’s detention. During the war, Elžbieta managed to hide, and the Nazis did not find her.
Anastazija bore eighteen children altogether.
The Stumbling Stone commemorating Anastazija Jablonskienė-Bagdonavičiūtė is laid at J. Tilvyčio g. 1 in Panevėžys.